Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Indentured servitude

Last night at dinner:

Monkey Man: Mommy, can you please cut up my chicken?

A few minutes goes by...

Monkey Man: Mommy, can you please get me some more milk?

Another minute or two later...

Monkey Man: Mommy, I need a napkin!

Me: Any other demands, Your Highness?

Monkey Man (thoughtfully): No, all of my other demands are for Daddy.

Good thing, because this indentured servant really wanted to eat at least a bite or two of her dinner before it got cold.


MamaMaven said...

Better at the dinner table than in the middle of the night. My leg hurts, come rub it. I need a tissue. I think on the final one my head almost spun around! It is good that he's willing to split the work between the two of you though :)

Tree said...

Indentured servant is the perfect way to describe it.

Mitzi Green said...

oh, man, doesn't that drive you nuts? bob will chug his drink and then want more before i've even eaten 2 bites. so i make him wait. like i tell him, "this ain't denny's."

joansy said...

At least he said "please"????

I'm right there with you. I'm just happy that we're finally past "momma, will you wipe my butt." I can pretty much handle everything else.

Builder Mama said...

Oh, see, we STILL have to wipe the kid's butt.

Sometimes I think he will be 20 and still asking for help doing that.