Saturday, March 17, 2007

I think we've succeeded in crushing his little spirit

Plans were hatched a week ago for a little adults-only outing tonight to imbibe in some Irish festivities. Considering I'm the only one in the crew who is even 1/18th Irish, I find this amusing. But whatever.

Babysitter was procured. This is Marie, who is one of Monkey Man's old teachers and she also has a four-year-old son that MM adores. The best part of this arrangement was that Marie was going to take the boys to a monster truck show tonight.

Alas, Marie's son is sick with a bad inner ear infection and the doctor says he can't go. So none of them are going.

Monkey Man is devastated. And I guess we could (should?) cancel our plans for tonight and take him, but we decided not to. The tickets available suck big wang, it's in an indoor coliseum that will make it louder than hell, and frankly we just don't want to go. Does that make us bad parents?

So I found out the big show we went to last year on Mother's Day weekend is going to be back again this year. On Mother's Day weekend. So I guess I will be spending Mother's Day weekend covering my ears and smelling fumes and getting sunburned. Unless I wear a Diva Hat.

I think he's okay now, but I'm a little sad. I hate seeing him get disappointed. I know disappointment is part of life, and he should learn that he doesn't always get to do everything he wants to do every time. Shit happens. People get sick. Things get cancelled.

But part of me feels bad for not cancelling our plans and taking him anyway. And a teensy part of me is a little resentful that yet again, I will be forgoing breakfast in bed on Mother's Day to spend it walking around a bunch of trucks on steroids.

On the other hand, though, I can't think of a better way to spend the day than with my favorite little fellow. Monster trucks or not.

1 comment:

MamaMaven said...

I think the trade is at least even. You get to go out tonight, he gets to go to the big show on mother's day. I still think he's winning! Can't wait to hear what green things you ingest tonight!