Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sniff, sniff

Ya know how it is when you hold a baby...and it's been a long, long time since you've held one?

And then the little sucker falls asleep in your arm and you can just watch them forever and ever while they suck on their pacifier like there's no tomorrow?

And then you watch your five-year-old gently touching the baby's face and covering her little legs up with a blanket?

My ovaries are crying right now. I better go drink some more to make this all go away.

Thanks to SG and the Mrs. for sharing little Peyton with me this afternoon. Between that red hair and those blue eyes, it was hard to give her back.


Gretchen said...

I know. Lord, do I know...

Tree said...

I totally get that. Miss J is over 6 mo old and I am ready for baby 3 (may I be struck down!).