Saturday, February 17, 2007

Forget about Conjunction Junction, where's Motivation Station?

A rubber cookie to you if you remember good ol' Schoolhouse Rock....

So tonight is the big Redneck Wing-Ding at the local community center that we got wangled into buying tickets for. Luckily, the Neighborhood Badasses are going as well (at least most of them are) so it will be good for some entertainment. If nothing else, we can make fun of the mullets and tube tops.

Most of the Badasses were going to get massages, manicures and pedicures today. Some of them were going to get fancy hairstyles. Me, I'm still unshowered, wearing running tights and a fleece sweatshirt with a baseball hat, and have no plans on getting ready anytime soon.

So what's up with that? Me, Little Miss High Maintenance (or as Mer puts it, "you're not a 15-minute girl") can't get my act together. Luckily, I ran into one of them at the supermarket and she was about as grungy as I am with no plans on showering anytime soon. Not to mention she has a real estate agent showing her house at 4:30 today. Now that's something I'd be having a meltdown over.

Yesterday was an exhausting day. One hour of it was spent in EPOD's office listening to him talk about his brother's hospitalization and cancer treatment. I spent over an hour driving to my alma mater for the ribbon cutting ceremony of my most recent project, then had to sit through a very dry ceremony complete with every elected chimp in a three-county radius giving a little speech, and then fight the traffic all the way back home. It was kind of emotional for me too - the last time I'd been at the project was January 2005 when two of my good friends were working there. Within six months, both of them were gone - one quit, one was fired. Coming back to the jobsite brought back a flood of emotions that I really can't describe, and I fought tears back most of the ride back home. And of course, my stupid cell phone went dead so I had no one to call and whine to. Wah, wah.

It was a rough week last week. Joey ended up fighting with one of his employees who almost quit for the umpteenth time but ended up staying. I had a fight with one of the other women in the office who duped me into doing something for her because she was too lazy and she made me think that it was this big emergency that she couldn't handle because she was on her way to a funeral. I think the only good thing about both of these scenarios is that we didn't fight with each other, which is a win-win as far as I'm concerned. Kick anyone else's ass if you want to, just leave mine alone, k?

So by 8:30 last night, Joey was uncharacteristically sprawled on the couch snoring, and I was zonked out by 10 PM. I think we both really needed a good night's sleep since the week had been such an ass-kicker.

And here I sit. Stinky and unmotivated. I did make a zillion cocktail meatballs for this pre-party we're going to, but other than that...I got nuthin'.

Here's hoping for a fun night. I think I need a nap.

1 comment:

g-man said...

SO what's wrong with mullets and tube tops? I hope you brought a camera!