Saturday, February 24, 2007

And did I mention the FREE BEER?

So you know how it is when you spend a ton of money on a gift for a kid and they ignore the gift and play with the box? That's Sea World for us. My kid was totally enraptured with all the herons and crows that were hanging around. Never mind the sharks, the killer whales, none of that.

We had a pretty good day yesterday. The weather is totally gorgeous - mid 70's, sunny and breezy. And no one got sunburned, which is a miracle in and of itself.

We saw the dolphin and whale show. We saw the Shamu show. We saw the sea lion and otter show. Obviously, we saw a lot of shows. You know, these people that train these animals are very talented and obviously love what they do, but I can't imagine what the salary would be like. Do they make decent money? Not like I want to do that myself, but....

Oh, and they have this great free beer there. In big cups. It was a little slice of heaven and definitely helped take the edge off dealing with three kids.

The kids had a blast. So far, they're all getting along - we won't see them today (we are going to Animal Kingdom and they are hanging at the hotel all day) so hopefully we'll alleviate the typical "Day 3 fighting" that usually happens. Their oldest son tends to be kind of bossy so he'll pick fights with Monkey Man and then his little brother, so it's guaranteed by the end of the day that someone will end up in tears.

Did I mention the free beer?

In yesterday's edition of "My God I Wanted to Curl Up and Die," we ended up all going to a Japanese steakhouse last night for dinner (this will be our one good meal with the other family because they will end up expensing it) and the waiter we had was probably the most effeminate male I've ever seen. Like he made Nathan Lane in "The Birdcage" seem macho. So at the very end of the meal, Monkey Man takes the opportunity as the waiter drops off our check to bellow, "Why does he talk like a girl?" Oh. My. God. Sometimes being a parent is just embarrassing.

I could've really used some of that free beer at that point.

Anyhow, off to rally the troops and head for the Animal Kingdom. Where they don't have free beer.

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