Friday, June 08, 2007

In case of skanky hoo-ha

Thanks, G-man. You rock.
Make sure you click on the image so you can see it all...including the little disclaimer at the bottom.


g-man said...

Thanks Liz. I was glad to finish it since then I could start trying to forget the "yeast infection cream" google image search. {shudder}

Esmerelda said...

OH my am I LMAO!!

MamaMaven said...

We gotta figure out how you can make money with your talents Gman. Liz, you are the perfect picture subject to be photoshopped, that picture goes everywhere.

joansy said...

Wow GMan, I am truly amazed. And BM, that is the best pic ever. Maybe you should have it framed for Joey as a present upon his return from his trip.

Gretchen said...

Very nice...

Oh, and send me the curtains and I'll finish them for you.

Tanaya said...

Yep...nothing discreet about that package...Love that they had to add an image of the applicator too!

Mitzi Green said...


i think i just peed my pants.