Monday, June 11, 2007

I survived, but that's the best I can say

Joey got home this afternoon around 3:30. We all had dinner together and the entire time he kept asking me what was wrong. I don't know, maybe post-traumatic stress syndrome?

I really take for granted how much he does with Monkey Man. I'm spoiled, I freely admit. And maybe in a way, while I should be happy about the quality time they spend together I probably should be a little more in tune with the little creature that lives upstairs. We have entered the stage of I Know Everything and You're a Stupid Poopyhead. Not that he's ever said it out loud, but you just know that's what he's thinking. Take, for example, our conversation in the car this morning on the way to preschool:

MM: Mommy, did you get my little surfboard at the pool yesterday?

Me: Yes, MM, I did.

MM: Are you sure you did? Because there was a kid there that had the same surfboard, but it was blue.

Me: Yes, MM, I picked up our surfboard and put it in the car yesterday.

MM: But how do you know? I mean, you could've picked up the wrong one?

Me: I think I know the difference between orange and blue, MM. Not to mention that the board had written all over it "Monkey Man (our last name)" in black marker.

MM: (in snotty 5-year-old voice) No it didn't Mommy. All it says on there is "(our last name)". Not "Monkey Man (our last name)."

Me: Okay, MM, whatever.

MM: So are you sure you got the right surfboard?

Me: Don't make me pull this car over....

And so there it is. Multiply that by at least a hundred times and that pretty much sums up our weekend. Punctuated by being asked every ten minutes if he was being a good boy so that Daddy would bring him a surprise. Argh.

Now it wasn't all bad. We did have a nice evening on Saturday where we watched movies and vegged out. On Sunday we drove about an hour away to go to the big outlet mall and racked up on clothes for him, a handbag and a few things for me. Hopefully Daddy won't mind a little retail therapy when the bill comes at the end of the month, although it will be cheaper than paying for real therapy. We also went to the pool, where the non-swimming Monkey Man ended up having a total meltdown and had to be poured into the car and brought home. Swimming lessons are next on the list, although we are going to be in a crunch as to how to do that and TKD. Bleh.

It was almost a welcome relief to go to work today. I really didn't have anything too pressing going on so I was able to do a little online browsing and catch up with some of my partners in crime, namely SG who came back from the dead (did I mention that he cut part of his finger off about 2 months ago? Ick.) and Cat Door M, who survived ten days with his dad and Mrs. Cat Door out in the mountains motorcycle riding. I was happy to hear from SG, who has been so busy with his new baby girl and the business that is skyrocketing that I've barely heard from him in a while. Cat Door, on the other hand, reported bright and early to Joey's office this morning to do some more work. I think this is like the 6th or 7th week he's been there? I swear to God that he is trying to get on their 401K plan and that's why he keeps hanging around. But anyhow, the gang is trying to plan a get-together later on this month so I'm happy to get to hang with my guys again.

Tomorrow is a big day. Monkey Man graduates from pre-K and I will sob like a baby. Seriously. But it will be a good thing.


Esmerelda said...

Ah,that's just the beginning of not understanding men. If he were a girl, she'd be pissing you off in a whole different way.

Glad you made it!

joansy said...

Congrats on surviving the weekend. And have a great time tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Are you kidding??? - we had a gap in care and had Dex home with us for a week and a half. All three of us were TOTALLY relieved for him to go back to school today!!!

Congrats on making it! :)))

MamaMaven said...

You are totally entitled to the preschool graduation tears--the sad ones that he is growing up and the happy ones that the bill from the WMEPS gets smaller!