Sunday, June 17, 2007

All hail the Daddy Dad

It's Father's Day and my two favorite fellas are outside checking the Japanese Beetle traps. We had to make an emergency run to Lowe's last night when we discovered that our poor plants are being eaten up like crazy!
Monkey Man made Joey a keychain and a card. I'm giving him golf shoes as soon as we can get to the sporting goods store so he can try some on. I'm not nearly brave enough to buy some without him trying them on, so no surprise for poor Daddy Dad.

As for me, this Father's Day is a little more special than usual considering I came so close to losing my dad last year. I could write volumes about him, but I'll just stick with saying that he is one cool dude.

Happy Father's Day to the most important men in my life!

1 comment:

Esmerelda said...

Awww....We just LUV Gravedigger.