I bought the shirt out in Las Vegas - wore it the day I met Joansy for lunch - and it's cute. And soft. Like the kind of shirt that makes you feel nekkid. Not naked, but nekkid.
The neckline is somewhat problematic in that it's even low for a Bad Day shirt, so I usually supplement it with a little camisole underneath. I've worn the shirt exactly three times - once in Vegas, once on a weekend, and today.
First thing this morning, Monkey Man asked me if I had a baby in my tummy. Now, keep in mind that he had asked me the same thing yesterday when I had another empire-style top on, and I pretty much snapped at him that no, I did not. Then he started crying and when I asked if he was upset because I wasn't pregnant, he said "No, I'm upset because now you think you're fat!" So I felt about thiiiiis big.
On to the office I went. Oh, but first I stopped at Starbucks where one of the regular customers congratulated me on my pregnancy. No, I said, it's just the shirt. Oh, she said, I just assumed because it is the cutest top and could easily be a maternity top....
So I rolled up into the office, made it almost until lunch when the new girl in the office caught me in the lunchroom and asked me where I got the cute maternity top. Ahem. It's just the shirt, people!
The last straw was tonight at the Mexican place, when our regular waitress congratulated me and then brought me a double-helping of Chorro-Pollo because, you know, I'm eating for two. I explained to her at least five times that NO, I'M NOT PREGNANT and finally gave up.
So tomorrow, that stupid shirt is going in the Goodwill pile and will be dropped off this weekend. And on it will be pinned a note: "NO, IT'S NOT MATERNITY. IT'S JUST A SHIRT!"
Dammit. Fifty-seven bucks down the drain.
I remember that shirt! I thought it was cute, but I can see how the confusion could happen. Perhaps you should hang on to it until one of your friends gets pregnant.
Live and learn. It's still a cute shirt.
LOL.. man, it is a cute shirt, though.
I found you via next blog button and this just made me laugh - only because I've been there.
Ditch the top! :)
Maybe the shirt is a sign? ;)
Definitely cute but I could see the issue, I've seen a lot of hmmmm are they pregnant shirts lately but have erred on the keeping my mouth shut side.
send it to me. i don't care how pg i look. i'll pay you for it. is it a medium? I'M NOT KIDDING.
and yeah, THANKS A LOT fashion designers, for making us all look like we're knocked up. i mean, yeah, the empire waist is a great cover-up for the middle-age spread, but there's an obvious downside to wearing a tent.
i just bought a shirt like this at target. I thought it was so cute and as soon as I got home and put it on I came to the same conclusion. It's going back. I definitely don't need anyone asking me if I'm pregnant. I'm trying hard to let that ship sail far away.
Maybe it made your boobs bigger too ?? :) Sorry you lost out on a cute shirt.
Cute cute shirt! The confusion is hilarious, but whatever happened to people not saying a thing until they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt; basically, when there was a baby.
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