Friday, March 09, 2007

I knew it was too good to last

I woke up around 3 AM with my throat so swollen I could barely swallow. No problem, I got some water and went back to sleep.

When the alarm went off at 5:30, I took some Tylenol and figured I'd suck it up and go on into work even though my throat feels like someone is sticking hot needles into it.

But then, Monkey Man got up and has a fever. And last night he had a touch of runny nose and was complaining of a headache. Today he says he's achy. Oh My God I Think It's The Flu And If It Is I Will Not Be A Happy Camper.

So we're home. And I'm hoping that my brother-in-law is back from taking my sister up to Philly so that we can sneak in there and see him and both get checked out. If he isn't, we'll have to figure out if we go to another doc in the practice or take our chances at the urgent care place.

And a question for you - is it bad if you feel like you have the taste of tequila in your mouth even if you haven't had any in, say, 7 days? Urp.

1 comment:

g-man said...

The taste is just your liver reminding you what you did. Sorry about the sleep thing, I am completely empathetic.