Thursday, February 01, 2007


The dress has been procured.

I forced myself after a hellish day preparing for The Audit to go on to Macy's and find a dress. I figured if I couldn't find one there, I could hit Dillard's on the way home which I had heard had a pretty good selection as well.

There is nothing more humiliating than trying on formal dresses. Yeah, swimsuits are bad but you just expect that and you're mentally prepared to go in the dressing room and face the horror of what having kids and age has done to your formerly somewhat buff body. Formalwear shouldn't be like this, right?

Normally, I wear a size 10-ish, depending on brand and cut. All those rules go straight out the window when trying on gowns - even the 14's were snug or wouldn't zip at all and when I discovered that the only thing that even remotely fit was a size 14 in this really odd color of pukey green, I put all my clothes back on and got ready to leave the store.

No, I can't just walk away in defeat, I thought. I'm here, and until I try on every damn dress in the store in a size that fits (or sort of fits), I'm not leaving. I'm a total glutton for punishment, aren't I?

A man parked out on the couch outside the fitting room watched me as I loaded up both arms full of dresses. "Gosh, you have a big selection there," he said. "It's not selection, it's desperation," I snarled.

The one that fit was the absolute last one I tried on. And probably the one that I looked at on the rack and said, eh - I might as well add this to the stack. It's not the fanciest dress and it won't win any awards, but there are a few pluses. First, it isn't so revealing that I feel embarrassed. There's plenty of cleavage and arms, but the back is conservatively cut which is a big must-have for me. Second, the "beading" on it is in this really nice pattern that goes in a v-shape so it is slimming. Third, and most importantly, it is comfortable. I won't be tugging at it all night, worrying what is hanging out or showing, and will be able to shake my ass like nobody's business.

And the best part? It was 50% off. Then I got a beautiful wrap for $20 (75% off). All I need are shoes. No alterations needed, either. And in the Liz System of Economics, which I will explain later, I saved myself literally hundreds of dollars that I can spend on other things like eye cream and getting my nails done.

After that, it was almost as good as a romp in the boudoir. Funny how a good bargain is like the best aphrodisiac ever, isn't it?


g-man said...

I do believe that you and Heather share the same accountant!

MamaMaven said...

G-man is right, I am firm subscriber to the I can go spend all that money I saved because it was on sale and I had a coupon! I learned it from my mother and she is proud!

Tanaya said...

My theory on economics coincides as well. Volume doesn't matter as long as it was on sale! ...Says the girl wearing a pair of pants she got for $9.99 off the clearance rack.

joansy said...

My accountanting system is related, but slightly different. I find something I like that is outrageously priced and then find something that I also like which is far less expensive, but not always a bargain, and then declare victory. I did this most recently when planning our vacation for summer 2008 - I looked at a 7 day Disney cruise and it priced at around $9k. I then looked at the price of a 8 day 7 night trip to Disneyworld, with air and food, and found that even at a really nice resort with a good view that it would only be $6k -- thus resulting in a $3k savings! My husband doesn't view it quite the same way.

Anyway, I can tell those 3 drinks with dinner are taking their toll on you comments - so congrats! on the score. Pictures! Pictures!

Esmerelda said...

OH, forget the economics, you get to wear a pretty dress and be a GIRL!

Lucky, lucky, you!