Monday, February 05, 2007

Party Animal

You know someone had a little too much fun at your Super Bowl Party when you wake up the next morning to find that a certain someone has puked all over the bathroom.

And it wasn't Joey.
And it wasn't me.
And for God's sake, it wasn't Monkey Man.

It was this creature:

Apparently, he worked himself into such a frenzy because we wouldn't let him join the party (mostly because he had scared poor Will, our friends' son, to death by sneaking up behind him at the trashcan and saying WOOF! to the point the kid almost crapped himself) that he decided to seek revenge on us by throwing up all over our bathroom floor last night.

Know how it is when you get a smell stuck in your nose and it won't come out? Try putrid corgi vomit. Mmmmm.

Our party was pretty much a bust - by 5 PM almost everyone had cancelled out due to sick kids (some lame puking/fever virus that is rampaging through the city) but the rest of us had a lovely time. Except Der Woofenheimer, who was banished to our bathroom to sulk and plot his evil revenge.

Well, might as well get started on my day and be thankful for small things like the fact that I turned on the bathroom light this morning instead of stumbling in there like I normally do in the dark....


g-man said...

Which would have just added another "EW" factor, at least you got that goin' for ya!

MamaMaven said...

Hope the week is better than Monday morning! He looks so innocent :)

Mitzi Green said...


sometimes incredibly cute things hurl.

Unknown said...

the poor pupples!

Esmerelda said...

Oh my GOD! Is that, like, KARMA??!?