Saturday, February 03, 2007

Musings from the land of diversity

So why is it that the "International Foods" area of our local "gourmet" grocery store subsists of Old El Paso taco shells and three varieties of salsa? Wow, there's some variety for you. So I guess I'll be headed to Food Lion in the morning where at least I can get some soy sauce. Geez.

Last night was my girls' night out with some of the Neighborhood Badasses. Unfortunately, it seems that I either ate some bad food or maybe still have a screwed-up stomach because I was up at 2 AM praying for death. And why is it that with all the intestinal unrest around here lately that we didn't have one stinkin' dose of Immodium in the house? (Maybe it's hidden with all the Asian food at the grocery store.)

One interesting topic last night was that one of the women (who I had only met one other time and doesn't live in the neighborhood) is apparently a teensy bit of a plastic surgery fanatic. Three weeks ago she had a breast augmentation and tummy tuck and honestly, I thought maybe she missed the boat on the augmentation because they were big, but man were they droopy. As in she probably should've gotten a lift too because the girls were hanging pretty close to her waist. But then she started listing all the things she's had done and it was all I could do to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. Because, and I know this sounds really catty, but it really really didn't seem to have made much difference. Would you pay $300 a treatment for laser hair removal when the shit keeps growing back? Oh, and discounted Botox is not a good idea...if the guy is only charging $175 versus the standard price of $500, then you really can't be pissed if the treatment only lasts 5 weeks versus 6 months. The whole conversation made me want to tell her to Tivo the next "Plastic Surgery Nightmares" on E! next time it's on.

Tomorrow we are having people come over to watch the game. I'm not exactly sure how many or what time they're all coming, but most are bringing kids and since it's a school night I have a sneaking suspicion that most will leave around halftime. Which is just lovely because then I can curl up in the fetal position with my bottle of Lynchburg Lemonade and enjoy the game. Or just sleep, which is probably what I'll be doing since I feel like that's all I do anymore when I'm not popping Zantac.

Here's hoping to less stomach acid tomorrow....


Mitzi Green said...

remember how long it took ME to fully recover?

sending you happy gastrointestinal vibeage...

TxGambit said...

Happy tummy vibes!

Umm, yeah maybe she should watch that show or any of the talk shows that have Plastic surgeries gone bad.

MamaMaven said...

Sounds like the conversation was interesting at least. I am so impressed you were able to keep the filter engaged :)

Hope your tummy troubles are over soon!

Esmerelda said...

WOW! How did you not say something? Thanks for ruining my plastic surgery fantasies...not that I'd ever have the courage, but I've dreamed of having my hair permanently removed, my lasanga belly smoothed over and the twins singing 'up where we belong' again...

g-man said...

I hope you feel better. You should get your gallbladder checked out. (It seems to be all the rage here)

Da Bears!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

that's funny, I had major surgery to take the droopy huge boobs AWAY! ;)

Hope you feel better!