Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just how much stuff do we really need to take?

I'm desperately trying to keep us to one big duffel bag and two small rolling bags.

How successful will I be?

We're pretty much all packed except for our medications (or I should say, their medications since I seem to be the only one who only needs painkillers and no steroids or antibiotics at this point) and shampoo and stuff like that. You would think that I was packing for ten people with as much stuff as I've crammed into the bags.

You know what would be an awesome idea? Instead of having those porter guys at the airport, getting some sherpas. That would really add some flavor to the boring old airport. Or maybe a few buff hot guys in loinclothes to tote my bags. Forget the corgi idea, give me the half-nekkid dudes anyday.

Anyhow, we're off for the airport in the morning and I'm hoping we have a relatively smooth flight (oh yeah, must pack Dramamine), get the rental car with relatively little hassle, and enjoy one of the parks for a few hours. And you know the sad part? I'd love to get down there, get checked into the hotel, and sleep for about 2 days. It ain't gonna happen, though. Certain little primates are being so freaking demanding, wanting to actually do things that I guess my dream of sleeping all day is pretty much dead.

Later, gators....


MamaMaven said...

Have a fantastic trip!

g-man said...

TSA - Tall Seductive Assistant ?

You can have your loin cloth if I can have topless ticket agents :)

Fun trip!

Gretchen said...

Have a great time!

Tanaya said...


Esmerelda said...

One of my dreams is to have drinks served to me on a beach by a man/boy in a loincloth...enjoy your trip while I enjoy that visual.