Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Drowning in laundry and crap

Two days to get it all done and packed.

Two days.

Can you tell I'm freaking out?

We got in late last night - of course, our flight from Orlando was delayed because they had to fix a broken seat back on the plane. I'm sorry, but is that really a necessary thing for the plane to actually function? Like couldn't you just make that an empty seat and move the person somewhere else? I don't know, maybe it's some stupid aviation law or something, but I was sufficiently annoyed when AirTran failed to even make an announcement of why the flight was being delayed. Not to mention I ate an entire candy bar while I was waiting to board. Which made me even crabbier.

And to imagine that in two days, I get to do it all over again. On Southwest, which I've never flown on before. Anyone have any tips for Southwest traveling (other than taking some Valium before even trying to check in)?

Tonight we had to go to the tae kwon do studio to meet with Monkey Man's teacher. He had set up the meeting in order "to discuss what being a yellow belt means and what our expectations are." Know what it was really about? Another shakedown for money. It seems that they want him to join the "Black Belt Club" which will virtually guarantee him to get his black belt in 3 years and give him "special privileges". But of course, they want a 3-year commitment from us and they want us to start paying for the other 2 years (we've already paid for this year) right away. What a racket this place is - it seems like every time I turn around, they want him to sign up for something else. I mean, what 5-year-old understands the time commitment involved in getting a black belt in 3 years? Hell, my kid can't even wipe himself or tie his own shoes. So I'm thinking plunking down almost $2500 might be a good idea if that will solve those problems, but needless to say I'm skeptical. Stay tuned on this one.

And, I was interviewed tonight by a writer for a possible article online - more on this too. I asked her to send me the link to the article when it's published, even if she doesn't use anything that we discussed. And if she does, then I might be marginally famous for a whole whopping like 4 hours. Isn't that exciting?

And lastly, my friend and I check our tarot cards online every day. Remember that friendship of mine that almost ended back in December and was still kind of holding on and gasping a few breaths? I did a lot of soul-searching while I was in Orlando and decided that maybe it's time to move on and stop spending my time in a friendship with someone who obviously doesn't value it like I do. So today's tarot reading?

"Your heart bleeds today, dear Liz, and you’re finding it difficult to smile. The combination of the Sun and Death is asking you to draw a line under a painful situation that’s been dragging on for too long – a relationship that’s ended badly, a friend that’s gone away… whatever it is, you’ll have to get over it and believe in a happier future if you want to get that smile back on your face."

Sad, but it's time. And funny how something so silly like an online tarot card reading can just kind of give you a sign that you're doing the right thing after all.


g-man said...

"I read it on the internet, it MUST be true"

Take the signs and portents where you can get them hon. If you end that one friendship, you have many more in line to be the friends you deserve, and have dinner in Baltimore and such with. [wink]

It sounds like it won't be much of a problem for her if she is not as emotionally invested as you were. You will make the right decisions.

Tree said...

crapola - I thought I posted but I didn't.

Anyway, back to SWA - check in online as early as 24 hr before the flight to ensure you are in the first boarding group. Otherwise, I love them. They are on time or early most of the time. Back when I traveled a lot for work, the early morning Tulsa to Houston flight was packed. It was like our corporate jet!

I am sorry about your relationship.

And, there is a tae kwon do place just like that here. I have avoided it. Technically, they are not supposed to give out black belts until children are like 16 yo.

joansy said...

On line tarot? Where do I sign up?

I wish you peace in your decision re: your ex-friend. I know it's tough in the short run, but in the long term it sounds like the way to go.

re: Southwest - I agree completely with T. re: print your boarding passes the day before your flight so that you are in the A group as this will give you first pick of seats. SW is not fancy, but they're efficient and even a little quirky - in a good way - at times. You may want to bring xtra snacks as you have a long flight, but they should be well stocked on snacks.

If the timing is right, I can print off your boarding passes for your trip home. If the timing is wrong, you may be able to have your hotel do it for you.

re: possible article - I can't wait! Is it on LEED or just wonderful you or something else?

I can't wait to see you!!

MamaMaven said...

On the way home if you have access you can actually "reserve" your boarding pass and then print a new copy at the kiosk at the airport if you don't have access at the printer. Its all about the 24 hour rule baby! Thank goodness they abandoned the midnight thing!

Have a drink with Joansy for me!

Tree said...

Hey! Guess what? We are flying through Vegas tomorrow and on Wednesday. When are you going? We are heading to Sacramento via Vegas on SWA.