Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Things that make me...


Yesterday, I was trotting across the parking lot to our other building to meet the girls for lunch and I thought I saw someone I knew. My friend Beth's husband is one of our subcontractors and he typically drives one of those huge pickup trucks with four wheels on the back (dualie? is that what those behemoths are called?). Gary is a real jokester, so when I saw the truck I started making these godawful faces and gestures toward him.

Um, it wasn't him. And needless to say, the guy in the truck looked at me like I was totally nuts. Color me clueless.


To the woman who practically knocked me over this morning: in your rush to drag your kid into Starbucks and beat me in line, I have a word of advice for you. Next time, it would be lovely if you stepped to the side to check out the bakery case and see what your darling child wants to eat. Oh, and to see if she wants something to drink too. Because once you ordered your own drink - then she wanted a drink too so you ordered that - then she wanted a piece of coffee cake, so you ordered that - then you had no money left on your Starbucks card so you had to have a five-minute debate with the cashier - I could have ordered my drink and been on my way.

So to you, ma'am...fuck you very much. Hope you had a nice day.


We have two black-tie events coming up in February. I have nothing to wear. 'Nuff said.


Seems as though we are throwing a little Super Bowl get-together at our house on Sunday. We had gotten an e-mail from the local Morton's with this fantastic deal to watch the game on their big screen and dine on lobster and steak for some ungodly cheap price, only to find out that the Morton's here isn't doing it due to lack of space. Bastards. So now, we're inviting some of the usual suspects over and who knows what will happen. As long as David doesn't start stripping and showing off his "appleplums" (a.k.a., manboobs), I think we'll be okay, but you never know.

...feel like shaking a tailfeather...

My stupid iTunes account has been going crazy lately. Oh, okay, it's all me. But I am just finding all these cool songs on XM radio and then hunting them down. My latest favorite - "Forget My Name" by Danko Jones. Two minutes and fifty-two seconds of good shit. Download it and then imagine me shaking my ass in my office while everyone else is working.


I bought these great Philosophy products a few weeks ago and thought I would really love them. And my face broke out like a teenager to the point I was ready to start calling myself Jan Brady. So now I'm wondering if I'm either allergic to topical vitamin C, or maybe retinol. Which is going to majorly suck and ruin my shot at being the best-looking corpse at the funeral home.

...scratch my head...

Why oh why do I buy gadgets for myself and then never figure out how to work them? Last January I got myself a Nextel account since I could use it for work and also to talk to Joey for free, and the phone had so many features that it could provide sexual favors and launch the space shuttle. But did I ever figure out how to use it all? Nooo. This weekend, I ditched the Nextel account after two months of $120+ bills and now have a lovely Razor phone. And no idea how to do anything but make calls and check voicemail. For God's sake, don't text me or you'll get a response back like "aoiae t'a[e09aerg". Seriously. And then Joey brought home a digital camera for me. This is going to be bad.


MamaMaven said...

ROFL n the guy in the parking lot! I can totally see it. I am with you on the phone, I just want a little phone that makes clear calls, is that too much to asks?

g-man said...

Beep Beep crazy lady!

Further proof that people are assholes!

Go shopping! (like ya needed that advice)

Da Bears!

You have feathers?

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

Good thing you got rid of the sexual favor phone.
EPOD-"Have you seen Liz?"
worker-"No, she only wishes to communicate via text message."
EPOD- "??"

Like we used to say in the Army, R.T.F.M.

Read the F'n manual.

Tree said...

You never fail to make me laugh when I need one, Liz. I am envisioning you making goofy faces at a complete stranger!

Gretchen said...

Thanks for the great post!

Unknown said...

ha ha, I laughed all the way through!!

And Danko Jones?? I just went and listened and I would never have guessed! You surprise me Liz! We need to have a music exchange!