Thursday, July 13, 2006


Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. Needless to say I have been feeling a bit under the weather since aforementioned doctor's visit and not in the best of humor. Apparently I picked up a nasty little bacterial infection from the pool over the weekend and I believe my hoo-ha is about to fall off.

Hopefully once I pick up my next $200 in medicine in a few minutes I'll be feeling a little better. Either that or throwing myself off the top of the nearest CVS.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope you are feeling better soon. Some medicines are worth any price.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope you are feeling better soon. Some medicines are worth any price.

joansy said...

Damn. I wish you and your hoo-ha well.

Tanaya said...

Those kind of bacterial infections are the worst. I hope the drugs work fast!