Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The mystery of Monkey Man

About two years ago, we were talking to one of Monkey Man's teachers from The World's Most Expensive Preschool and she revealed a very interesting fact to us.

Monkey Man's MO at school is to look like he's not paying one bit of attention nor does he give a rat's ass what is going on - however, when you ask a question about what is being discussed, he is 100% in tune with what's going on. And always has the correct answer.

Huh, I thought. Sounds familiar. I used to do the same thing. Most likely because I could read already and I was freaking bored to death.

Fast forward to yesterday, when in a casual email about a room parent meeting (which is a whole other rant) I asked her how Monkey Man was doing. "He is having a little trouble in the classroom sitting on the carpet, keeping his eyes turned toward the lesson and not watching everyone else," she replied. In a separate email, she said, "The good thing is that he does know what is going on when called on. I hate to come down on him about it but the only problem is the other children watching and copying."

Hmmm. So he is paying attention, but not staring down the teacher?

He's just like his mama. And maybe his daddy, too.

The problem is, how do we conquer this? I've already tried appealing to his competitive nature by telling him he's a leader - and leaders do the best at everything they can, including being good listeners, well-behaved, blah blah blah. I think I saw the lightbulb go off - the kid hates not being #1 in everything (yikes) but will it stick?

Gah. It's going to be a long 13 years. But somehow, I can't get wound up about this. Is that wrong?


Mitzi Green said...

it's not wrong. the teacher needs to handle the other kids or teach them how to handle themselves. i wouldn't be worked up about it, either.

g-man said...

It's results that count, if he is producing then leave him alone! RESULTS! :)

I was the same way too. Goofed off in class but aced the tests. F'n teachers.

Tree said...

I agree - I would not be worried or upset. I think Mitzi is correct - the focus for each child should be himself, not what the other children are doing.

One day last week, N was put from green to yellow light because he was bossy. When I asked him how he was bossy, he stated he was waiting in line for the water fountain and two other children cut in line ahead of him (and other children in front of N) and he told them to get to the back of the line. Now, yes, that could be interpreted as bossy, but it could also be interpreted as sticking up for oneself. So, no, I did not get worked up about it. In fact, I was rather pleased with him.