Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And I thought my side of the family was the sane one

So much for that theory.

Without going into a lot of detail, I found out about a week ago that a cousin of mine (that we barely know) contacted my nephew to get some free legal advice. Apparently, my mom ran into her at a family gathering and being the proud grandmother that she is, she was bragging on my nephew. Cousin said that she wanted to "ask him a question" so apparently my mom gave her my nephew's contact information.

Well, this has turned into a real nightmare. The "question" has turned out to be a 60-page legal document that she expects him to review for her, not to mention that she keeps emailing him wanting to know when he will be done. Um, well, considering he's in the middle of a huge case right now, unless she's willing to cough up the hourly rate I think she's going to have to be a little more patient. Not to mention the fact that she has been extremely abrasive and rude. Oh, and did I mention that she never even asked him if he minded looking at it for her? She left him a voice mail and then started the barrage of emails. I mean seriously, I want a huge set of balls like she has!

So tonight, I called my mom on the way home and happened to mention what had been going on with Cousin. Needless to say, my mom was appalled but then proceeded to give me a big fat sob story about what a rough life Cousin has had, blah blah blah. I'm sorry, but a rough life doesn't give people free license to be assholes the last time I checked. Am I right on this?

Yeah, I probably should have kept my big mouth shut. But honestly I hope that after our little talk, in the future my mom won't be offering out my nephew's free legal advice because before we know it he'll be getting calls to post bond from some of the less savory branches on our family tree for public urination or some bullshit like that.

At this rate, my side of the family is making my in-laws look like the normal ones around here. Jesus.


joansy said...

My favorite response to an unwelcome request for free legal help is "I'm sorry, I only do death penalty cases, but if you're ever on the row, give me a call."

That probably won't work for your nephew. I suggest he try this: "I would really like to help but my malpractice insurance prohibits me from handling cases or giving any legal advice without our standard retainer." It works. Every single time.

I hope she stops torturing him soon.

Tanaya said...

Oooh. It's terrible when you have to be embarrassed for your family...I hope things blow over soon.

g-man said...

With family like yours MM is F'ed. But at least he will get free legal advice.

MamaMaven said...

Joansy is so smart--love the line about being on the row. I am sure it was a proud moment for your Mom that spurred this on, oops. Your poor cousin, can he say no?