Friday, June 01, 2007

Let's hear it for the boy

It's Friday. 'Nuff said.

Tonight is a charity fundraiser that we're going to with the usual crew - good thing it's at a winery and not some fru-fru art thing because that's the only draw. It's supposed to be outside and 92 degrees so I am already a little panicky about what to wear. But whatever, everyone will be drunk by 7 PM so does it really even matter?

I had to share this conversation I had with Cat Door M yesterday. He and the Mrs. and Daddy Cat Door are headed to the mountains for a ten-day motorcycle trip. Apparently, Daddy's girlfriend didn't think that it was exciting or cultural enough so she opted to take a trip to China. Methinks she's a smart lady, even if she can't make pimento cheese worth a shit.

Anyhow, Cat Door has been self-employed for over a year now, which is a year longer than any of us thought he'd make it. He's a hard worker, but if he works oh say more than 35 hours a week he gets kind of crabby and whiny. Since he's been working at Joey's office off and on for over a month now, we've seen first-hand that his work hours consist of roughly six hours a day if you're lucky, and he usually comes rolling in around 9 AM.

Now I am a morning person. Didn't used to be, but since Monkey Man came into my life I was forced to become one. And I typically roll into work at 7:30 AM just so I can get the shit out of the way.

I called Cat Door on Wednesday night so that I could wish him a good trip, share a few good Monkey Man stories, and share a little work gossip. He told me that he was planning on going by Joey's office first thing in the morning Thursday to check on the lobby before the floor guy got started and make sure everything was prepped and ready to go. So we said our goodbyes and as I told Joey that night, I figured Cat Door wouldn't show up at all or it would be like 10 AM and he would be all stressed out and crazy like he gets when he's headed out of town.

Yesterday, I got to the office around 7:35 and as I was unpacking my laptop, my cell phone went off....

Cat Door: Hey girl, what are you working - banker's hours?

Me: What the hell are you talking about?

Cat Door: I have been here at Joey's office since quarter to seven this morning!

Me: Really? I don't believe you.

Cat Door: Yup, you can even ask your brother-in-law. I've been here working my ass off since 6:45, and here you are just rolling in the door.

Me: I'm sorry Cat Door, but you have to get up early more than one day a year to earn any bragging rights.

I think I hurt his wittle feelings. Because then he said he was going to make periodic calls over the next week to rub it in that he's on vacation and I'm not. But whatever. I still hope they have a good trip and he doesn't do what he normally does, which is either get food poisoning or some horrible hurl and purge disease that cuts the trip short. Blech.

So anyway, hope y'all have a great day. I've been here oh, since 7:30 and still haven't done jack. Pretty much par for the course this week.


g-man said...

Right there with ya. Been here since 7:30, have done several things, none work related. My boss is leaving at noon, I have to go to Columbia for a meeting so we will be leaving early (say noon) so we can go have a leisurely lunch with Heather (and Es if she wants to come too). before our 2:00pm hootenanny.

Esmerelda said...

I'm at the gym by 5:30, but I can't get to work 'till after I drop Karateboy at school at 8. So by the time I sit at my desk, I'm feeling like a lunch break. So I read blogs 'till 10, work for an hour or so and take an early lunch.


MamaMaven said...

Wow your goodness is rubbing off on him. I think that's called I want to go on fuckin' vacation motivation!