Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Spanish Inquisition

Not really. It's an interview from Mitzi.

Want to join in on the fun too? It's easy. And I promise to be gentle with you.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your weblog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

So...inquiring minds want to know:

1.) Can I have your dog?
Sure. I'll put him in a box with some holes in it and throw a little kibble in there and send him Fed Ex. No, seriously, as much of a pain in the ass as he can be sometimes, I would seriously go off the deep end if anything happened to that miserable mutt. He's my buddy.

2.) What are a few of your guiltiest guilty pleasures?
World Class Chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robbins
Amazing Grace body lotion from Philosophy
Having Friday afternoons off in the summer and getting buzzed with my friends before heading off to Mommyland
A good glass of wine like Matanzas Creek merlot
Taking a nap
Some other things I can't mention here because yo, this is a family show. Bwahahaha.

3.) What do like best about being a mom? And better yet, what do you like least?
What I like the most is watching this amazing little person that is growing before my eyes. He is such a cool little dude - a sensitive soul - a funny prankster - I could go on and on. I can't believe I made this kid.
The least? The worry that something bad could happen to my kid. I couldn't bear that. Oh, and my lack of patience sometimes - I hate that.

4.) If you could choose any time period in which to live, what would it be and why?
Probably during the 1950's and 1960's when society was changing so much because of technology and also heightened social awareness. Second choice would be the Victorian era, not sure why but it's always been a fascination of mine.

5.) If you were given one life "do-over," what would it be?
Wow, just one? I guess it would be my freshman year of college. It was just a horrible experience - I had a psycho for a roommate, too many boyfriends, too much beer, and not enough classes. I ended up almost getting kicked out of school and had to spend the summer there to get off of academic probation...which led to me meeting a guy that I fell in love with, we got engaged and I freaking dropped out of college. Not a banner time in my life. I think my parents genuinely hated me at that point, and I royally screwed up my college career. I guess the one positive thing that came out of all of it would be that instead of ending up being a dentist like I wanted, I ended up working in construction and that's how I met Joey. So a fair trade in the end.

So, who's next?


Tanaya said...

Ok, after 2, ok maybe 3, glasses of wine...I'll bite. Please interview me and keep in mind your promise to go easy on me!

MamaMaven said...

Do me, do me. Oops, I mean you can interview me :)