Friday, April 13, 2007

And so are the days of our lives

It's Friday Night. We're on our second weekend in a row of No Big Plans.

What has happened to us?

Honestly, part of it is that we just shipped off a kidney to the IRS and we need to bolster our reserves back up again.

There's something about paying the IRS that makes you feel kind of violated, so you do the walk of shame for a few days and know that they only care about getting one thing from you. And they're not going to make you breakfast or send you flowers either. Bastards. I guess it could be worse - we have one set of friends that owe over $20,000 in taxes. Ouch.

So, on the agenda this weekend is buying Monkey Man his umpteenth pair of shoes since January, a tae kwon do class, and finding some boys' size 6 Levi's. The child has been pretending he's a dog at school and not only wore out the knees of almost all of his jeans, but has the swollen knees to prove it. We finally had to ask the teachers not to let him bound around on his hands and knees.

Today, I left work around 12:30 and headed downtown with April and Stacee to have lunch at this cool place. And of course we had beer. Or they did - I took a few sips of one but I'm trying desperately to eat better while I do this cleansing diet. And then, April and I decided to go shopping. Drunk Shopping with April is a lot of fun. We ended up at the MAC store with this guy smearing makeup all over me while April laughed her ass off. Then we went to Ann Taylor and debated which pair of pants was hot and which one made her look like her mom. It was a really nice way to spend the afternoon.

Then, I picked up Monkey Man to go to tae kwon do. He got off lightly yesterday by promising we'd go today - and of course when I got to school to pick him up, he said he didn't want to go. This whole TKD thing is killing us. First, we paid a crapload of money because he seemed to really love it. Now, not only does he not really enjoy it, but there are a litany of other issues too. My work schedule has changed, so there are very few options for classes that he can take. I don't want to get stuck doing it all, but Joey and I duel it out every week to see who is taking him. And the worst part of all is that honestly, Monkey Man is just not very good at it.

There, I said it. My kid isn't good at tae kwon do. He just doesn't get it. He can't remember the combinations. He can't kick worth a shit. And he really doesn't enjoy much of the class at all.

Part of me wants to just pull him out of the school and take the hit on the money. But then the other part of me knows that this would be bad - very bad - and not set a good example. I want him to know and understand that when you make a commitment, you should stick to it. Backing out of TKD at this point really isn't an option unless we get to the point that we're not making it to classes at all.


In other news, remember how apprehensive I was about Cat Door M possibly doing work for my sister? Well, that's nothing compared to how I feel now. Joey and his business partner have hired Cat Door to do some renovations in their office. I pulled a few strings to get him the job, of course, and he is so excited and called me last night to thank me about a hundred times. I guess he really is out of work. But the thought of him in the same space as my dear husband gives me pause - my former "work husband" and my real husband. Apparently already they have been swapping stories about me. Yikes.

Another day. Oh, and by the way, Day 2 of the cleansing diet was fine. I only farted like twice, versus 20,000 times yesterday. Big progress.

1 comment:

g-man said...

Sucks to be you.
