Thursday, March 01, 2007

Get out the garlic cloves

Wouldn't you know that every stinking motherfucker in our office is sick as a dog right now? Everyone either has a head cold or a stomach virus, neither of which I want to get on an airplane with. Last year when I was in Vegas, I had a miserable cold and was holed up in the hotel for 2 days until I revived enough to meet Joansy for lunch. So since yesterday, I have been popping Airbornes and vitamins like nobody's business. I feel like Howard Hughes.

I am seriously procrastinating packing. I should be in our room right now laying out clothes and trying to figure out what to take. I think, however, that I am not doing this because I am too depressed about the current state of my wardrobe and its non-Vegasness. And yes, I just made that word up. Shouldn't I have some fabulous clothes to wear there? Mer suggested "forgetting" my suitcase and therefore having to buy all new clothes out there, however there's a hitch to this plan...I am totally sure that Joey, who is used to being our pack mule when we travel, will kind of miss my 500-pound suitcase. Kind of like traveling with a 400-pound notice when they're missing. So much for that idea.

I think Monkey Man is ready for us to leave. Like asking every 3 minutes "when are you leaving so I can play with Grisel?" He confessed the other day that she is his girlfriend. It's kind of cute.


To clarify my post from yesterday, the interview was based on a blog entry I did last September about how long it took me to get an appointment for a dermatologist in our city. The writer is doing an article on it for, I believe. So I'll keep y'all posted on that when I find out more.


In other news of my insanity, I finally signed up for that 10K race on March 31st. In a brief, shining moment of sanity, however, I've signed up as a walker instead of a runner. I figure if my sciatica is better, I can alternate running and walking fairly easily without killing myself.

I already have my outfit picked out, by the way. Bought it on the way back from Baltimore. I think it's some kind of sickness I have.


Okay, enough procrastinating. Off to pack. Bleh.


Tanaya said...

I totally understand the "non-Vegas" feeling you have about your wardrobe. Just this morning I was thinking about when did my clothes go from young and cute to old and frumpy.

MamaMaven said...

OK, as I remember from the last trip to Vegas, anytyhing goes so you most definitely have some Vegasness in your wardrobe! Hope you find things that make you happy in your closet.

Have a fabulous trip, you know we want STORIES on your return.

Unknown said...

Hey, I haven't been able to post comments for a few days! But I have been enjoying reading and thinking hilarious comebacks! Have a great trip!