Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Of boobs and such

I know G-man has been probably itching for a post about boobs, but this probably isn't going to do it for him. Sorry, dude.

SG and Mrs. SG are expecting Baby SG any second now. Stupid me promised them a few weeks ago that they could borrow my lovely breast pump.

And now I can't find it.

I have torn the house apart. And I know I've loaned it to a few people before (and for the novices out there, you loan the pump motor part and the loanees buy new tubing and stuff so it's not gross like it sounds) but God if I can remember who exactly was the last person to borrow it.

How do I get myself into these situations....


If anyone has a method for cleaning cookies & cream milkshake mixed with iced tea out of a console, could you please pass it along? Thanks.


Wednesday is our mandatory Sexual Harrassment Awareness Seminar at the office. I am seriously pissed about this because no day is complete without making passes at the guys in the office. But apparently our insurance company is mandating that we have to have this class for something stupid like liability reasons or some bullshit.

Anyhow, Beth our Friendly Cruise Director sent out emails to everyone asking us to pick out the box lunch of our choice from an attached list. So of course, my partner-in-crime Jim (who is probably the best harasser in the office) sends back an email:

"Dear Beth - I would like the BREAST of chicken BOX lunch. Thanks."

He said breast. Heh heh heh. He said box. Heh heh heh.

Oh yeah, did I mention that we are like 13? No wonder we're having the seminar. And I bet we'll be made to sit on the front row.


Off to shower...got off the treadmill at 8:30 and have been too busy on the phone, online, and hunting for the milking machine to go wash the funk off. Nighty night!


g-man said...

So I read BOOBS in the title and I go all Woo Hoo, then I see my name in lights and I am like WOO HOO.
While not what I was expecting it was certainly entertaining. I know enough about breast pumps to be a repairman. (kind of like the Maytag guy only in white)
On the sexual harassment front, we (my office) get just as juvenile, although it lasts about a week. The last one was lead by the hottest HR chick with these stand up double D's that were amazing. She was dressed in tailored clothes as if for a date, and surrounded by a room full of codgey government types, and young engineers. (if ever there was an opportunity for sexual harassment) Needless to say there was a comment or two generated in a low voice after every one of her presentation bullet points, followed by several guys chuckling. Good times.

Tree said...

Definitely good for a laugh, Builder Mama!

Good job on the treadmill, btw.

Unknown said...

I agree, ANYTHING with boobs is good.