Thursday, November 02, 2006


It's been a long, long day.

One of those days that just leaves you feeling completely...blech. For lack of a better word.

Children's programming drives me crazy. And it's not bad enough to hear that crap in the background all day, but to have this little sad person tugging at my sleeve and saying how sad he is that I won't sit and watch with him is almost enough to make me shoot myself with guilt. Apparently, camping out in the chair and ottoman with the laptop located only two feet away from said little person is not sufficient. Reading books or magazines is not permitted. I tried explaining to him that Berenstain Bears has relatively little value to my daily life, but he doesn't understand. Because you know everyone can learn from Sister and Brother Bear. ARGH.

Oobi is on now. What idiot is making money off of gluing eyeballs to the top of their hands and making them into characters is beyond me. But he's probably way richer than I am so I guess I shouldn't judge. But the way the characters talk in clipped sentences missing any kind of structure is maddening.

Little Bear is coming on next. Cute show, but really almost kind of dark for a kids' show, dontcha think? And am I dreaming, or is the author of the Little Bear stories the same guy that did Where the Wild Things Are and Into the Night Kitchen? If that's true, that guy must've been smoking some good shit.

I guess I should be thankful that said little person couldn't find his beloved Maisy DVD today. Because if I had to listen to that idiot Charlie I would seriously go postal. He sounds like a wounded moron.

I need sleep. Stat.


joansy said...

Right there with you.
I don't understand why Ruby is always such a bitch to Max or why Dora is always screaming her enormous head off. I kind of like the Little Einsteins and I may have a crush on Handy Manny 'cause he actually gets the job done.

Tanaya said...

Little Bear I can deal with. Oobi...OHHHHH NO. Creepy and stupid, a lethal combination. I guess it could be worse *cough* BARNEY!

Mitzi Green said...

oh, lord. do i have issues with this. i've always thought of charlie as maisy's mildly retarded friend. and someone needs to teach dora "inside voice." but then, she's always outside, so i guess that's a moot point. but i admit i love backyardigans. i can't help it. particularly the "race around the world" episode. bob was watching this one last night while i made dinner, and when i was finished, i made him watch it again so i could see it.

i'm going to go continue my shame spiral now.

Esmerelda said...

Karateboy didn't start to become himself 'till after the 5th day or so. I think the 3rd day was the worst, the hospital medicine had all worn off and he started getting board.

On the 5th day he set of the fire extinguisher in the kitchen--- he was obviously better.