Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A new review!

Hop on by Builder Mama Picks and Pans today to see my review of Boca Beth, a bilingual educational program that appeals to all ages.

Seriously, y'all, after watching the DVD I learned way more Spanish than I did in the two years that I had to take it in college. Stop laughing. Unfortunately it's true, and if this had been around back then I could've saved myself a lot of headaches.

Anyhow, check it out - and stop by Parent Bloggers and leave a comment if you're interested in winning some cool Boca Beth prizes!

Parent Bloggers Network


Mitzi Green said...

taking spanish in college is much easier when you have a roommate who speaks fluent spanish and translates all the workbooks for you, which you then memorize the phrases to the pictures and ace the self-administered exams. oh, yeah, and if you go to umkc instead of a "real" college. that helps, too. :)

Unknown said...

ordering that pronto!