This is what I'm eating right now. Oh. My. God.
Call it my little mini-celebration that it's not the flu after all. Just a little cold, if even that.
We saw my brother-in-law's nurse practicioner and she checked Monkey Man from head to toe, gave him the flu test, ran a blood check, and pronounced that really he's fine. And that I should throw away my thermometer because obviously it's bad. I had no idea - those little digital thermometers should be replaced yearly, according to her, because they go bad and lose their accuracy. Hurumph. Oh, and she checked me out and apparently my problem is sinus drainage linked to how freaking congested I was out in Vegas. So a little decongestant and I'll be good as new.
So we celebrated by going to our favorite wing place - this is my little Monkey Man and Me ritual, where we go load up on chicken tenders (him) and wings (me). He loves going there, especially because they have about 264 televisions in there. Is love of television part of the male genetic code?
And we napped. Or rather, I napped and he is still napping. Nap, nap, nap. I love me some nap.
I will probably catch holy hell from EPOD on Monday. But until then, I'm going to enjoy a nice quiet weekend. And probably the rest of the box of toffee.
I love the fact that we live a whole country apart and share the same taste in chocolate and skin care products. Wait til you try the Vosges white hot chocolate.
You know, Joansy, that toffee is amazing. I swear it's that sea salt in there - that stuff can really bring out the subtlety in almost anything and it is amazing in the toffee.
And no, I didn't eat the whole box. Wanted to, but didn't.
Toffee and hot wings. I love you! :) I could use a week long nap myself. Glad MM is fine. Enjoy your weekend.
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