Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who's gonna carry the luggage?

So this is how we roll.

Joey has a sinus infection. Just got back from the doc-in-the-box (who, by the way, is talking about giving him his very own parking spot out front since he's there on a weekly basis) with prescriptions.

Monkey Man is blowing green snot today. I am supposed to call my brother-in-law at his office tomorrow to discuss what we can possibly give the poor kid that he hasn't had in the past six months. At this point, I can't believe that he has a stomach lining left.

My sciatica is flaring up for the first time in almost 3 years. Partially because I have gotten zero exercise and I am just tired, tired, tired.

I swear to God that if the dog was going, you'd see a corgi with three huge suitcases strapped to his ass staggering through the Orlando airport. And cursing at us the entire time.

I guess the good part is that at least Monkey Man and I are packed. Joey is easy and will get himself packed in about 5 minutes tomorrow night.

Keeping my eye on the prize and knowing that in 48 hours I'll be in sunny Florida is the only thing keeping me going right now. And don't even get me started on work....


MamaMaven said...

Here's hoping you can hang on and get out of dodge in one piece! Enjoy your trip, have a beer with Mickey for me!

Mitzi Green said...

the visualization of corgi as pack mule is killing me.

g-man said...

You know they make special wagons and harnesses and shit.

What do you mean who's going to carry the luggage? Doesn't yours have wheels? Hook 'em up right and you can make a little train.

Unknown said...

Repeat after me: Salt water and sunshine washes away snot.