Monday, January 29, 2007

Of sleep and snot and slinging shit

There are so many little things going on right now that I'm just going to do a quick hit and run tonight. We spent 1-1/2 hours at the urgent care tonight with Monkey Man who has his umpteenth sinus infection of the year...already....


Don't hate me because my kid sleeps

So you want to know the secret of how I get my five-year-old to take a nap?

There isn't one. He's just like his mama - needs lots of sleep. He can make it without a nap pretty well, but even he knows his limit. Like yesterday when we left the last birthday party and he said "Daddy, don't turn on the Looney Tunes because I'm going to take a little nap," and BOOM, out like a light.

Even at school he'll nap from 1 - 3 PM every day. I don't know how he's going to make it through kindergarten where the naps are only 30 minutes.

He is the easiest kid in the world to put to bed. And yes, I'm bragging. Bathtime, maybe a story if we're not running too late, he climbs in the bed with his cup of water and bear, we give him a kiss and say good night and that's it. Really. No rituals, no calling out for glasses of water, nada.

And my last, deep dark secret? He won't get out of the bed until we come get him. Not even in the morning. He will lie in bed until we come upstairs to get him.

You can hate me now.



So, when someone hurts your feelings, what do you do? Do you pout, do you shrug and get over it?

I'm a World Class Grudgeholder. I once went three years without speaking to a coworker because she made an insensitive remark about my infertility problems. I stopped speaking to my best friend from college because she ended up dating my ex-fiance (even though we'd broken up like two years prior). I had a fight with one of my best friends right before Christmas and I'm still pretty steamed about it and we're barely speaking.

Now, I'm in new territory. I've gotten into a disagreement with our HR manager who happens to be someone that at one time was one of my best friends. And her assistant is another good friend of mine. What it comes down to is that I found out that she made a pretty disparaging remark about me in front of my boss and also one of our VP's last week.

What was she bitching about? Well, there has been some ongoing drama at work for about a year now about how the female staff members are not considered part of the Project Management Teams when they do "team building" events like go-kart racing, laser tag, or happy hours. Apparently we're good enough to do all their administrative bullshit, but not good enough to have a drink with. Whatthefuckever. Well, since I'm the senior female in the office they all have come to me asking what we can last week I ended up talking to the president of the company as well as another member of the executive group to see what can be done to bring more equality to the situation.

Well, HR friend is pissy about it. And what it comes down to is that she wants to be a member of the Boys Club at work and never will be...and she postures and acts like a badass by trashing the other women at work. And unfortunately (for her), she happened to personally name me. And her assistant apparently has been feeding her and the VP she was bitching to all kinds of little tidbits about how disgruntled the females in the office are. Ah, the tangled web we weave. All I have to say to both of them is that if they're going to talk a bunch of smack, they better be ready for me to break bad on both of them. I'm a bitch that way.

So, I'm not speaking to either one of them. HR friend isn't so hard to ignore - really, she hasn't been a "real" friend for a long time and has let her position really go to her head. HR assistant friend is a little more problematic in that we are good friends but now I can't trust her.

What to do, what to do. I do know at Christmas, my family was sitting around the table and we were discussing my fight with my good friend that I previously mentioned and then my mom brought up how she and her sister (who lives right the fuck next door) hadn't spoken since like 1988 until my dad got sick. And my dad looked over at Joey and said, "Yup, seems like grudges run in the family, so at least Liz got it honestly...."



Heading to the House of Mouse

We're going to Disney World!!!!!

We'll be heading down there in February for a few days to meet up with our friends and their kids. Doing the normal touristy stuff and running ourselves ragged. The sweetest part is that we used our points on our credit card to get 3 free round-trip tickets and have enough left to get a free rental car (Yugo) too! Things like this don't happen to us, we are the types who lose our luggage even on a direct flight and end up driving a '67 Malibu for a rental car. So this should be interesting.

We haven't even told Monkey Man yet, mostly because I want him to sleep and not ask me every 2.7 seconds when we're leaving....


If I could ask - I have a few people in my life that could use some positive vibes or prayers or whatever out there:

Mr. & Mrs. SG whose Baby SG is still hanging in there and due to arrive any second

EPOD's brother who starts chemo tomorrow - it's small cell lung cancer and prognosis is not good

One of my most favorite subcontractors ever, Tommy, who has cancer of the bile duct of the liver. Not only is he one handsome studmuffin, he's married to a wonderful lady and they have 3 kids.

Send some out, if y'all don't mind. They all can use it.


MPPs Mom said...

PVs and prayers for Tommy, Epod's brother and the SG family.

Disney trip.....very awesome!

I wish my kid had your kid's sleep routine! That sounds divine!

HUGS :) christina

Tanaya said...

Prayers all around and good luck with the work thing.

K-Man is almost as good as MM with the sleep thing. He'll ask to go to bed and goes down without issue - always. But, he gets up on his own, sometimes at 6:15 a.m. on Sunday.

g-man said...

I'm a grudge holder too, but working on it.

Have fun at Disney!

Prayers delivered.

Gretchen said...

Grudge, me? Always.

As for Disney... Have a great time! When we went, I didn't tell the kids until two days before we left.