Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another stomach-churning episode of my life

This week is really shaping up to be an all-time humdinger. Between churning stomach acid, a kid that is teetering on another sinus infection, a dead body at my husband's office, and some other developments, I need a drink.

In today's episode, I got to work today to find EPOD hunched over his laptop. Typically, he has meetings every Thursday for at least half a day, so I stuck my head in to see how he was coming along on the agenda and how his day was going so far.

"Not so good. My brother has cancer."

Shit. His brother is his last remaining family member (well, other than his wife and kids, but you know what I mean) and they are very close. He didn't go into more detail other than chemo is starting immediately and he will be taking a lot of time off to spend with his brother while the treatment is going on. I think he learned from when his mother became ill last summer and died within two weeks that work will wait - you need to spend time with your loved ones while you can.

So with that news hanging around my neck like an albatross, I went into my office and checked my email. Lovely, an email from the construction manager from the big corporate headquarters job announcing that they will be here for a final audit of our files. And guess when?

The week of February 12th. Happy Fucking Valentine's Day, here's a box of chocolates and by the way we took a big dump in the box. Love ya! Mean it! And could you bend over, please?

So I have that hanging over my head along with another LEED submission that I need to complete in the next two weeks and I feel the pressure inside mounting. And it's not gas, people. At least not today, snicker snicker.

Then there's some other office bullshit going on that is so long and drawn out that I'm not even going to go into it other than to say that sometimes, being a female in this industry really sucks because you are always a second-class citizen. We're not good enough to do company team-building activities, but we're good enough to make your coffee and clean up your fucking accounting messes, ya bastards.

Bitter, party of one? Your table is ready.

So now I'm on iTunes downloading another $5 worth of angst to crank in my office tomorrow. And looking forward to the weekend with freshly waxed eyebrows, freshly cut and colored hair, and dinner plans with our friends tomorrow night. I'm going to try and forget about the three birthday parties this weekend that I'm going to be forced to endure or that I gave up a trip to see my college roommate that I haven't seen in three years. I'm going to try and forget how pissed I got at my husband last night for a stupid comment he made. I'm going to cut myself some slack that I haven't run since last week and the Attack of the Gastrointestinal Monster.

I'm gonna have me some bourbon. The cure-all.


joansy said...

Make it a double on that there bourbon. You definitely deserve it.
Sorry thinks are sucky and I hope they improve soon.

g-man said...

Bourbon slush baby, it is the best!!!! It is a cup full of crystalized hootch heaven.

Have a nice day :)

Tree said...

What a day. A sucky day. A sucky sucky not ducky day.

Have another bourbon for me, okay?

I hope today is a better day.

MamaMaven said...

I will send the recipe for the bourbon slush, it will cure whatever ails you! Hope things get better--they have to, right?

Mrs. Wheezer said...

Make that bitter, party of two.

Hang in there.