Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday afternoon zombie

So now that Laguna Beach ended for the day, I served the troops some lunch and everyone has adjourned to their respective corners for naps or whatever. And I'm channel surfing...and looking for new eye cream on the internet.

Gene Simmons' Family Jewels - can I just say that I love his son Nick? The kid is hilarious. Although I cannot imagine growing up in that household. The daughter Sophie ends up going with Gene to work one day as a school project, and he's having auditions for Gene Simmons' "S/exercise" can imagine what Shannon says when they get home. Geez. The episode prior to that had Shannon tricking Gene into going to a health spa resort for 3 days where he has to exercise all day and gets about 900 calories a day. He bribes a guy from the front desk to get a TV in his room and some food, and Shannon ends up catching him sitting in the middle of the bed chowing down on about 20 burgers, tacos, and fries. A man after my own heart...who wants to go to a spa and suffer? Give me a massage and a facial, and you better feed me, dammit.

Flip This House - Watched about 5 minutes until I realized I'd seen it before. I want those obnoxious guys from San Antonio back! They're annoying but entertaining. The one brother is so freaking pretentious that I just love when things blow up in his face. Karma at its finest.

Sell This House - The first one I'd seen before - a lesbian couple selling their house who have faux finishing everywhere that makes the walls look moldy, a bench in the entryway covered in teddy bears, and a pool table with a faux fur cover on it with a picture of a tiger on it. Hmmm, wonder why this place won't sell? But of course Roger, with his 3' frame and weird facial hair, comes in to save the day.

Now, it's a couple from Salt Lake City - they're engaged and have 8 kids between them. Looks like it's the guy's house they're working on. The kitchen has about 5" of space between the tops of the cabinets and the ceilings, and the guy has stashed everything possible up there including boxes of Ding-Dongs and Lucky Charms. And the master bedroom has this horrid wallpaper in there - it's like muted pink, blue, green, and yellow barf, and the only thing missing are some unicorns and rainbows. Oh god, now they're peeling it off and the color the the wall underneath is Pepto Bismol pink. Maybe the wallpaper wasn't that bad. And textured shag carpeting throughout. Lovely! See, if I was that chick, I would run like hell, because obviously decorating isn't going to be part of the household budget.

Oh, and did I mention that I saw "The Duel" on MTV earlier? How old is Beth (RW Los Angeles) now? Shouldn't she be eligible for AARP by now?

I wish the rain would stop. The atrophy is settling in.


Gretchen said...

I love the sell/flip housing shows. That and "Mission Organization" - I could work on a thing or two...

Tree said...

I still watch the MTV shows, too. Terrible, but true. And I do think Beth has to be 40.

I love the flip house shows, too. I always think I am going to be organized when I watch "neat" and others, but never seem to put it into practice!

Mitzi Green said...

no, dude, "flip this house" was better with the south carolina crew. when they switched to san antonio, i felt like i'd just found out i'd been prom...