Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Obsessions du jour

What I'm reading: "Until I Find You" by John Irving. I polished off "The Cider House Rules" while Builder Daddy was in the hospital, and moved right onto Irving's latest. All I can say is that this is his fourth novel that I've read and I want to know how the hell he thinks up these characters? This book is amazing, and I'm only about 3/4 of the way through.

What is in my CD player: "Texas Sugar/Strat Magik" by The Chris Duarte Group. Joey bought this CD way back in the mid-90's and I had never listened to it. The musicianship, the flow of the songs, the whole thing is almost seamless. Good stuff. Old, but good.

My latest food obsession: Crunchy spicy salmon rolls at my favorite Japanese place. I love, love, love these.

My newest beauty product: The Oxygen Peel by Philosophy. After using it, my skin looked and felt absolutely incredible. I can hardly wait for my new eye cream to come along with their Handmade hand cream which smells like lemons and doesn't make your hands feel greasy.

What I'm wearing: Ann Taylor pants. I adore them. And their t-shirts aren't anything to sneeze at either, because they make your boobs look fabulous.

Latest house project: We are waiting for the landscapers to come. They were supposed to start last week, got rained out, and had another job already lined up for this week. Maybe next week? It will be lovely to finally have the yard looking decent rather than as if a colony of gophers have moved in.

What I want Santa to bring me: New countertops for my kitchen. Cat Door M priced them for me a few weeks ago and I'm hoping that once we've finished up the yard stuff we might have enough to get them done. If not, jewelry is always welcome. Diamonds are forever, right honey?

What I'm watching on TV: Well, right now the Animal Planet is doing a retrospective on Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter - and the scene where his daughter is born has both me and Joey teary-eyed. Other than that, I love "Million Dollar Listing" because the people are hysterically funny to watch. The best was the guy who was selling his house and moving to Mexico because Bush won the last election...that guy was a total trip. And I love "House" too.

What is making me crazy: Other than the obsessive itching, work is making me nuts. I was told yesterday that this latest project that Eeyore and I are being assigned to is the company's most prestigious and crucial project in its 30 year history. Nothing like a little pressure to add on to the other umpteen projects I'm either starting or trying to finish. Like my little $10 million office building that I'm turning over on 10/2 and we are missing half of the casework...oy....

What is making me laugh: Monkey Man, who is plotting and planning how to get to the State Fair so he can see a "real" chicken. Never mind the fact that we took him for the past two years so he's definitely seen a "real" chicken before. Tonight he finally figured out where meat comes from...or at least I saw a 30-watt bulb going on. I don't think he really gets it, though.

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