It's not good.
I got to the hospital at 10:30 this morning and they had a tube stuffed down my dad's nose, which was then draining into a bucket of what looked like bloody pond water. His abdomen was really swollen and he was in a lot of pain.
They finally got him in for an abdominal CT scan in the afternoon and there was so much blood in his abdomen that they're not sure what the extent is...but it appears that his intestines are knotted or kinked or something that is keeping things from moving through. The huge obstacle here is that he's been taking a blood thinner for several months and apparently the level is sky-high, which is exacerbating the problem. They needed to do surgery today, but can't until the levels are right. I think tomorrow morning we'll know more. My biggest fear is that they'll discover some kind of growth in there, and that will be bad.
Abdominal stuff is tough, even if the surgery goes well, so if you don't mind keeping my dad in your thoughts tomorrow, I'd appreciate it more than I can say.
It's been quite a day. I'm not sure what is freaking me out more - the fact that my sister, a former nurse, is visibly freaking out over everything - or the thoughts of what is to come after the surgery.
This is some serious shit. And I'm doing everything I can to hold myself together, at least until I get a moment alone. That's when I fall apart.
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